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Prof. Wilhelm Walter Sieghard


Institute of Oceanography




[email protected]

About Prof. Wilhelm Walter Sieghard

In the Institute of Oceanography, besides of research and teaching in disciplines of aquatic ecology and fisheries, I functioned periodically as Head of Department and Chairman of the IOC Graduate School Committee as well as nearly continuously as Seminar Coordinator. By the rules of the sponsor organization GTZ/CIM, I was responsible for coordinating of operations and maintenance of the unique IOC Research boat “Plankton fisher”. I functioned continuously as Research–Linkage Coordinator keeping and improving the multiple scientific linkages with foreign research institutes as well as international organization such as FAO and UNIDO.

S/N Qualification School Atttended Started Finished

S/N Publication
Holzlöhner S (1992). Untersuchungen zu den Vorkommen des Kormorans an der Küste Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns im Herbst 1992. (Investigations on the stock of cormorant in the coastal region of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in autumn 1992). Fisch und Umwelt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V., Annual Edition, 92-119.
Holzlöhner S (1960). Fischereiliche Untersuchungen im März 1960 in den Gewässern zwischen Schottland und Island. (Fishery investigations in the region between Scotland and Iceland in March 1960). Fischereiforschung 3(7): 6-10.
Ama-Abasi D Holzlöhner S and Enin UI (2004). The dynamics of the exploited population of Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich, 1825, Clupeidae) in the Cross River Estuary and adjacent Gulf of Guinea. Fisheries Research 68 (1-3): 225-235.
Nwosu FN Holzlöhner S and Enin UI (2007): The exploited population of the brackish river prawn (Macrobrachium macrobrachion Herklots 1851) in the Cross River estuary, Nigeria. Scientia Marina 71 (1): 115-121.
Ama- Abasi DE and Holzlöhner S (2002): Length frequency distribution of Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich) in Cross River Estuary and adjacent coastal waters. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 8 (3): 299-304.
Ritzhaupt H Hahlbeck WH and Holzlöhner S (1977). Nahrung aus dem Meer (Food from the Sea). Urania, Leipzig, Jena, Berlin,126pp.
Holzlöhner S (1962). Bemerkungen zum gegenwärtigen Zustand des atlanto-skandischen Heringsbestandes. (Remarks on the present state of the atlanto-scandian herring stock). Fischereiforschung 5(2): 6-11.
Holzlöhner S (1977): Stock investigations and fishery on the English Channel pilchard by GDR in 1974 and 1975. Annales Biologiques, 32: 154-155.
Holzlöhner S (1985): Eiweiss aus dem Meer (Protein from the Sea). Pp.199-208, in Brosin, H.-J. (ed.) Das Weltmeer (The World Ocean), 238pp. Urania, Leipzig, Jena, Berlin.
Holzlöhner S (1959): Die Methoden der Netz- und Garnfischerei im Bereich der FGS Warnemünde. (The methods of the net and seine fisheries in the area of the Fishery Centre Warnemünde). Deutsche Fischereizeitung 6: 172-186.
Holzlöhner S (1990): La peche et les investigations des poisson de la RDA dans les eaux mauritaniennes de 1981 a 1988. (The fishery and stock investigations of the GDR in the region off Mauritania 1981-1988). ). COPACE/PACE Series, 90/50: 274-285.
Holzlöhner S (1991). Untersuchungen am Stöcker im westlichen Ärmelkanal (ICES-Div. VIIe). (Investigations on horse mackerel in the Western Channel (ICES-Div. VIIe). Information für die Fischwirtschaft 38( 4): 126-130.
Nwosu FM and Holzlöhner S (2006): length-weight relationship of palaemonid and penaeid shrimps of the Cross River Estuary, SE Nigeria. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 12 (1): 139-140.
Holzlöhner S (1975). Zu den Bedingungen der Nutzung des nordostatlantischen Poutasssou. (The conditions of the exploitation of the blue whiting in the Northeast Atlantic). Seewirtschaft 7(12): 751-753.
Holzlöhner S (1985). GDR investigations into the relationship between environmental conditions and the distribution of Sardina pilchardus (Walb.) COPACE/PACE Series, 85/39: 116-119.
Nwosu F and Holzlöhner S (2000): Influence of temperature on egg hatching, growth and survival of larvae of Heterobranchus longifilis Val. 1840 (Teleostei: Clariidae). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 16(1) 20-23.
Holzlöhner S (1976). Biologische Aspekte der Lichtfischerei auf Makrelenhecht (Scomberesox saurus Walb.) im Nordwestatlantik. (Biological aspects of the light fishery on saury (Scomberesox saurus Walb). Fischereiforschung 14(1): 29-34.
Holzlöhner S (1981). Beobachtungen am Krill (Euphausia superba DANA) im atlantischen Sektor der Antarktis in der Sommersaison 1978 und 1979. (Observations on the Krill (Euphausia superba DANA) in the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic). Geodätische und geohysikalische Veröffentlichungen, Series 1, 1 (special edition of the NKSCR of the GDR), 95-106.
Nehring D and Holzlöhner S (1982). Investigations on the relationship between environmental conditions and distribution of Sardina pilchardus (Walb.) in the shelf area of Northwest Africa. Rapp. P. -v. Reun. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer.,180: 342-344.
Holzlöhner S (1990). La peche de la RDA sur les chinchards et sur le maquereau dans les eaux du Senegal avant l’introduction de la zone economique. (The fishery of the GDR on horse mackerels and chub mackerel in the region off Senegal before the introduction of the Economic Zone). COPACE/PACE Series 90/50: 267-273.
Holzlöhner S (1968). Erschliessung neuer Fangmöglichkeiten für die Fischerei im offenen Nordmeer. (The development of new catch possibilities of the fishery in the open Norwegian Sea). Seeverkehr 8(5): 208-211.
Ama-Abasi D and Holzlöhner S (2000): Analyses of size composition of bonga, Ethmalosa fimbriata, in inner Cross River Estuary, Nigeria. Transaction of the Nigerian Society of Biological Conservation. 7:1-8.
Holzlöhner S (1990). La peche et les investigations des poisson de la RDA dans les eaux mauritaniennes de 1981 a 1988. (The fishery and stock investigations of the GDR in the region off Mauritania 1981-1988). Fischereiforschung 28(3): 5-8.
Ritzhaupt H Biester E Schultz H Falck U Voss J Franck H Holzlöhner S Rechlin O Graef W (1962). Fischereiatlas- Fangplätze der Hochseefischerei im nordatlantischen Raum (Fisheries atlas – fishing grounds of the deep sea fishery in the North Atlantic), 135pp. Institut für Hochseefischerei und Fischverarbeitung, Rostock.
Holzlöhner S (1987). Einfluss des Nouakchott-Canons (Mauretanien) auf ozeanologische Feldverteilungen im März 1984. 7. Fischereibiologische Aspekte (The influence of the Nouakchott Canyon (Mauritania) on oceanological field distributions in March 1984. 7. Aspects of Fishery Biology.). Beitrage zur Meereskunde, (57): 95-103.
Holzlöhner S (1985). Sardine fishery and research (Division 34.1.3) of GDR 1974-1985. COPACE/PACE Series 85/39: 107-114
Holzlöhner S (1987). Die ozeanologischen und biologischen Grundlagen der Fischerei vor NW-Afrika, insbesondere die raumzeitlichen Konzentrationsbedingungen von Sardina pilchardus (Walb.) (The oceanological and biological foundations of the fishery off Northwest Africa, especially the conditions for concentrations of Sardina pilchardus (Walb.) by space and time) Fischereiforschung 25 (3): 24-66.
Holzlöhner S (1962). Ist eine Steigerung des Fischfangs im Atlantik noch möglich? (Is it possible to increase the total catch in the Atlantic?). Seeverkehr 2(7): 42-45.
Ama-Abasi D and Holzlöhner S (1998): Host-size relationship in Trichodina maritinkae (Ciliophor: Peritrichia) infestation of Heterobranchus longifilis (Teleostei: Clariidae). European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No. 26, p.15-16.
Holzlöhner S., Nwosu, F.M. and Enin, U.I. (2004). Fishing effort statistics of the artisanal fisheries of the Cross River Estuary, Nigeria. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 10 (2): 249-256.
Holzlöhner S (1990). Contribution to the sardine fishery of GDR off West Africa and to the size, weight and age structure 1985 until 1987. COPACE/PACE Series, 90/50: 116-134.
Schultz H and Holzlöhner S (1965). Die pelagische Fischerei an der Norwegischen Rinne in der Saison 1964/65. (The pelagic fishery off Southwest Norway in the season 1964/65}. Fischereiforschung- Mitteilungen der Abteilung Fischereibiologie 1(1): 27-35.
Holzlöhner S (1985). Contribution to the study of surface temperature variations in the Northwest African upwelling region 1981-1983 from observations on GDR factory trawlers. COPACE/PACE Series, 85/39: 115.
Holzlöhner S and Thiele W (1989). Entwicklungstendenzen der Weltfischerei. (Development tendencies in the world fisheries) Seewirtschaft, 21( 8): 291-295.
Holzlöhner S (1959): Beitrag zur Fauna der Heringsfangplätze der westlichen und nördlichen Nordsee. (Contribution to the fauna of the herring fishing grounds in the Western and Northern North Sea). Deutsche Fischereizeitung 11: 343-346.
Holzlöhner S and Wresinski O (1984). Untersuchungen an den Streuschichten auf einem Profil von Kap Verde bis Südgeorgien. (Investigations on the scattering layers on a profile between Cape Verde and South Georgia). Fischereiforschung 22(1): 50-53.
Holzlöhner S (1987). Die Fischerei der DDR im Seegebiet vor Mauritanien 1981-1985. (The fishery of the GDR off Mauritania 1981-1985). Fischereiforschung 25( 3): 13-16.
Nwosu FM and Holzlöhner S (2009): Mangrove conservation in Nigeria as a remedy for climate change. Journal of Nigerian Environmental Society (JNES), 4 (4):19-26.
Holzlöhner S (1996). Das Mangrove-Ästuar-Ökosystem im Südosten Nigerias- eine potentielle Region für den Naturschutz. (The mangrove estuarine ecosystem in the South East of Nigeria – a potential region for nature protection). Fisch und UmweltMecklenburg-Vorpommern e. V., Annual Edition, Rostock, 12p.
Holzlöhner S (1961). Der nordamerikanische Menhaden - Biologie und Fischerei. (The North American menhaden- biology and fishery). Fischereiforschung 4(1-2): 29-34. Holzlöhner S (1962). Die Sandalbestände der Nordsee als Reserve für die Fischmehlindustrie. (The sandeel stocks of the North Sea as a resource for the fishmeal industry). Fischereiforschung 5(1); 9-10.
Holzlöhner S (1967): Natürlische Bedingungen der Ringwadenfischerei im Nordatlantik. (Natural conditions of the purse seine fishery in the North Atlantic). Seeverkehr 7(70): 298-301.
Holzlöhner S and Nwosu FM. (1997): Nipa palm of the inner Cross River Estuary: A survey. Transactions of the Nigerian Society for Biological Conservation (NSBC), 6(1): 26-28.
Holzlöhner S and Weiss R (1978). Fischereiforschung der DDR vor Nordwestafrika. (Fishery of GDR off Northwest Africa). Seewirtschaft 10(10): 508-509.
Edu EAB Omokaro DN Holzlöhner S and Udensi O. (2007): Micro flora population in mangrove sediments of Cross River estuary. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 13 (3): 347-352.
Nwosu F and Holzlöhner S (2000): Effect of light periodicity and intensity on the growth and survival of Heterobranchus longifilis Val. 1840 (Teleostei: Clariidae). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 16(1) :24-26.
Holzlöhner S Enin UI Ama-abasi D and Nwosu FM (2008): Species composition and catch rates of the gillnet fishery in the central Cross River Estuary, SE Nigeria. Journal of Afrotropical Zoology, special issue - : 107-112.
Nwosu FM and Holzlöhner S (2004). Lunar and seasonal variations in the catch of the Macrobrachium fishery of the Cross River Estuary, S.E. Nigeria. Indian Hydrobiology 7 (1and2): 177-181.
Nwosu FM Enin UI and Holzlöhner S (2010): Assessment of Artisanal Fishery Impacts on West African Croaker Pseudotolithus elongates in the Cross River Estuary, Nigeria, using Length-Based Models. North African Journal of Fisheries Management, 30 (4): 860-865.
Holzlöhner S (1968): Erste Ergebnisse der Erkundung im südwesteuropäschen und nordwestafrikanischen Pelagial unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der neuen Fischerei auf Sardina pilchardus Walb. (First results of the prospects on pelagic resources off Southwest Europe and off Northwest Africa, particularly the new fishery on Sardina pilchardus Walb). Fischereiforschung 6(1): 49-64.
Nwosu FM and Holzlöhner S (2004). Lunar and seasonal variations in the catch of the Macrobrachium fishery of the Cross River Estuary, S.E. Nigeria. Indian Hydrobiology 7 (1and2): 177-181.
Holzlöhner S and Nehring D (1978). Die Sardinenverteilung in Abhängigkeit von abiotisch-biotischen Umweltfaktoren. (The sardine distribution in dependence of abiotic-biotic environmental factors). Fischereiforschung 16( 2): 47-51.
Holzlöhner S (1982). Untersuchungen zur Circadianperiodik der Nahrungsaufnahme von Sardina pilchardus (Walb.) (Investigations on the circadian period of the food intake of Sardina pilchardus (Walb.)). Fischereiforschung 20( 2): 59-62.
Holzlöhner S (1980). Beobachtungen am Krill (Euphausia superba DANA) in der antarktischen Sommersaison 1977/78 vor Südgeorgien. (Observations on Krill (Euphausia superba DANA) in the Antarctic Summer season 1977/78 off South Georgia. Fischereiforschung 18(1): 15-17.

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