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Dr. Oju Richard Ibor


Zoology and Environmental Biology


Lecturer I


About Dr. Oju Richard Ibor

My research Focus addresses issues of Environmental Impact/risk assessment, Climate change, water quality, bio-marker development and validation; the Functional and regulatory aspects of general stress (oxidative stress) of contaminants, including endocrine modulators in wildlife species and vertebrate reproductive, development and ,metabolic physiology.

S/N Qualification School Atttended Started Finished
First School Leaving CertificateMakoma International Nursery and Primary School, Ekori, Yakurr Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria19891994
Senior Secondary CertificateComprehensive Secondary School, Ekori, Yakurr Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria19942000
B.Sc. ZoologyUniversity of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria20022007
M.Sc. Zoology (Ecology and Environmental Biology)University of Ibadan, ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria20082010
PhD. Zoology (Environmental Toxicology)University of Ibadan, ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria20112016

S/N Publication
Ibor, O. R., Eni, G., Andem, B., Akanimo, J. and Chukwuka, A. (2017). Sexual dimorphism in Sarotherodon melanotheron and Hermichromis fasciatus from Great Kwa River, Calabar, Nigeria. Croatian J. Fisheries 75(3): 85-97.
Adeogun, A. O. and Chwuka, A. V and Ibor, O. R. (2011). Impact of Abattoir and Saw-mill effluents on the water quality of Upper Ogun River (Abeokuta) Nigeria. American Journal of Environmental Science 7 (6): 525-530 Pp. (Science publications: Impact factor: 1.22).
Abassi, N., Arukwe, A., Veerle, L. J., Eulaers, I., Mennilo, E., Ibor, O. R., Frantz, A., Covaci, A. and Malik, R. N. (2017). Oxidative stress responses in relationship to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) levels in the feathers and blood of two predatory bird species from Pakistan. Science of the Total Environment. 580: 26 - 33 (Elsevier Science. Impact factor: 4.90).
1. Odey, M. O., Ibor, O. R., Andem, A. B., Ettah, I. and Chukwuka, A. (2018). Drinking water quality and risk implications for community health: A case study of shallow water wells and boreholes in three major communities in Northern Cross-River, Southern Nigeria. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 24 (2): 427 – 444. (Taylor and Francis: Impact factor: 1.560)
Oju Ibor. Ecological and Health Effects of War. Environmental and Health Issues Resulting from War. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany 2012. ISNB: 978-3-659-25286-0. 64 Pp.
Adeogun, A. O., Ilelabayo, M. O., Ibor, O. R., Chukwuka, A. V., Adedara, I. A and Farombi, E. O. (2012). Long-term Exposure to Industrial Effluents Induces Oxidative Stress and Affects Growth in Clarias gariepinus. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences. 4 (7): 738 – 746.
Arukwe, A., Ibor, O.R. and Adeogun, A. O. (2017). Biphasic modulation of neuro- and interennal steroidogenesis in juvenile African sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus) exposed to waterborne di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. General and Comparative Endocrinology 254: 22- 37. (Elsevier Science. Impact factor: 2.83)
Adeogun, A. O., Ibor, R. O., Omiwole R. A., Hassan T., Adegbola R. A., Adewuyi G. A. and Augustine Arukwe (2015). Occurrence of phthalate esters in two municipal domestic water supply Lakes in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues 78: 761 – 777. (Taylor and Francis: Impact factor: 2.731)
Adeogun, A. O., Ibor, O. R., Sherifat D. Adeduntan and Augustine Arukwe (2016). Intersex and alterations in reproductive development of a cichlid, Tilapia guineensis, from a municipal domestic water supply lake (Eleyele) in Southwestern Nigeria. Science of the Total Environment. 541: 372-382. (Elsevier Science. Impact factor: 4.90).
Ibor, O. R., Adeogun, A. O., Chukwuka, A. V., and Augustine Arukwe (2017). Gross pathology, physiological and toxicological responses in relation to metals and persistent organic pollutants burden in Tilapia species from Ogun River, Nigeria. Marine Environmental Research 129:245-257 (Impact factor: 3.01).
Adeogun, A. O., Ibor, O. R., Omogbemi, E. D., Chukwuka, A. V., Adegbola, R. A., Adewuyi, G. and Augustine Arukwe (2015). Environmental occurrence and biota concentration of phthalate esters in Epe and Lagos lagoons, Nigeria. Marine Environmental Research. 108:24-32. (Elsevier Science. Impact factor: 3.01
Ivon, E., Andem, B., Ibor, O., Akaninyene, J. and Ndome, C., (2017). Toxicological and histopathological responses of African Clariid Mud Catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Buchell, 1822) fingerlings exposed to detergents (Zip and Omo). Ann. Res. Rev. Biology. 13(1): 1-9 doi: 10.9734/ARRB/2017/33564
Andem, A. B, Esenowo, I. K., Ibor, O. R. and Abosi, A. (2015). Toxicological effects of formaldehyde concentrations on African Cat fish, Clarias gariepinus fingerlings. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic studies. 2(5): 75-79.
Adeogun, A. O., Onibonoje, K., Ibor, O. R., Omiwole, R. A., Chukwuka, A. V., Ugwumba, A. O., Ugwumba, A. A. A. and Augustine Arukwe (2016). Endocrine-disruptor molecular responses, occurrence of intersex and gonadal-histopathological changes in tilapia species from a tropical freshwater dam (Awba Dam) in Ibadan, Nigeria. Aquatic Toxicology 174: 10 - 21 (Impact factor: 4.429)
Akinneye, J. O., Amire, O. P. and Ibor, O. R. (2013). Effects of relative humidity on the biological activity of warehouse moth (Ephestiacautella). Zoology and Ecology 23(1): 41-44 (Taylor and Francis: Impact factor: 1.72)
Adeogun, O. A., Ibor, O. R., Onoja, A. B., Augustine Arukwe (2016). Fish condition factor, peroxisome proliferator activated receptors and biotransformation responses in Sarotherodon melanotheron from a contaminated freshwater dam (Awba Dam) in Ibadan, Nigeria. Marine Environmental Research 121: 74 - 86 (Impact factor: 3.01)
Ibor, O. R., Adeogun, A. O., Fagbohun, O. A., and Augustine Arukwe (2016). Gonado-histopathological changes, intersex and endocrine disruptor responses in relation to contaminant burden in Tilapia species from Ogun River, Nigeria. Chemosphere 164: 248 – 262 (Impact factor: 4.208)
Andem, A. B., Ibor, O. R., Joseph, A. B., Eyo, V. O and Edet, A. A. (2016). Toxicological evaluation and Histopathological changes of synthetic pyrethroid pesticide (Cypermethrin) exposed to African Clariid Mud Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingerling. Int. J. of Toxicol. Pharm. Res. 8 (5):1 -8. (Impact factor: 1.74).
Usang, A. U., Ibor, O. R., Owolodun, O. A., Eleng I. E, Ujong, U. P. and Udoh, P. B. (2015). Reproductive toxicological evaluation of Ficus exasperata ethanolic extract in male albino rats. Int. J. of Toxicol. Pharm. Res. 7 (6):281-286 (Impact factor: 1.74).
Adeogun, A. O., Ibor, O. R., Regoli, F., and Augustine Arukwe (2016). Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and biotransformation responses in relation to condition factor and contaminant burden in Tilapia species from Ogun River, Nigeria. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C. Toxicology 183 – 184: 7 - 19 (Impact factor: 2.416)
Andem, A. B., Joseph, A. P., Ibor, O. R and John, E. R. (2016). Ichthyotoxic assessment of methanolic extract of Raphia hookeri exposed to different concentrations of African Clariid Mud Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingerlings. Int. J. of Toxicol. Pharm. Res. 8 (5):341-345. (Impact factor: 1.74).
Adeogun, A. O., Ibor, O. R. and Chukwuka, A. V. (2013). Acute toxicity of abattoir and saw-mill effluents to juvenile-sized Clarias gariepinus. Zoology and Ecology. 23(1): 53-57 (Taylor and Francis: Impact factor:1.72)

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S/N Conference Description Started Finished
Adeogun, A. O., Ibor, O. R., Omiwole, R. A., Omogbemi, E. D., and Augustine Arukwe (2016).Alterations in neuro- and interennal steroidogenic responses in the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) exposed to di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. 55th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo of the Society of Toxicology. March 12-18th New Orleans, USA.2016-05-122016-03-18
Arukwe, A., Adeogun, A. O., Ibor, O. R. and Omiwole, R. A., (2017).Neuro- and gonadal steroidogenesis in black jaw tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron) in relation to contaminant burden in the Lagos lagoon. 56th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo of the Society of Toxicology. March 12-16th Baltimore, MD, USA.2017-03-122017-03-16
Adeogun A. O., Ibor O. R. and Arukwe A. (2018)Alterations in neuro- and interenal steroidogenic responses in the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) following long term exposure to water borne Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate.Poster presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology (SOT),2018-03-112018-03-15