About Prof. Bassey Okon

Prof. Bassey Okon

MBBS (Sydney), FRACS (Paediatric Surgery)

Professor Bassey Okon is a professor of Animal breeding and genetics in the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Wildlife Resources Management, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria. He is an expert in breeding of monogastric animals (poultry and pigs) and microlivestock especially snails. Prof. Okon is an erudite scholar, astute academic and a prolific writer who loves conducting and reporting research projects and has trained several up-coming academics and students. To date, Prof. Okon has successfully mentored many academic doctors and made over one hundred and thirty (130) and still counting!, publications in nationally and internationally reputed journals, peer reviewed proceedings of professional conference. Prof. Okon has successful supervised and produced eight (8) doctorial candidates (another six (6) are in the making. He has also successfully supervised and produced over seven (7) M.Sc candidates. Prof. Bassey Okon has been an external examiner to University of Ibadan, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta and Michael Opara University of Agriculture, Umudike. He has also externally assessed a candidate for the position of Professor. Prof. Okon has been involved and served the University of Calabar at various committee levels. He has served as members on Faculty representative on Faculty of Social Sciences, Housing Allocation Committee, Graduate School Board, Graduate School Results and Thesis Vetting Committee, Department of Animal Science Assessment Panel for Staff Promotion, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Wildlife Resources Management for staff promotion and University Senate, as well as Secretary and Coordinator, Unical Livestock Farm. Prof. Okon has rendered tremendous services to the public and community which include among others, member of Board of Governors, Assemblies of God Bible College, Uyo; Church Secretary (30 years of meritorious service), Church Interpreter, Chairman, Church Building Committee, Chairman, Evangel Nursery and Primary School, Calabar, Board Secretary, Evangel Clinic and Maternity, Calabar, Chairman, Marriage Counselling Committee, as well as member, Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) Postgraduate Foreign Scholarship Panel for Screening/Interview exercise. Prof. Okon is a born again full member and serving Elder of Assemblies of God Church, Calabar, Nigeria. He is happily married to Mrs. Anthonia, B. Okon and the marriage is richly blessed by God with children and grandchildren..

Animal Science



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Reserach Gate

  • Represented individuals and their S-Corporation with respect to accounting malpractice and overbilling claims against a top 5 accounting firm.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company and its former officers and employees in civil actions alleging fraud and breach of contract.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented a government contractor in a theft of trade secrets action.
  • Represented individuals and their S-Corporation with respect to accounting malpractice and overbilling claims against a top 5 accounting firm.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company and its former officers and employees in civil actions alleging fraud and breach of contract.