About Prof. Therese Ntonzi Nganje

Prof. Therese Ntonzi Nganje

MBBS (Sydney), FRACS (Paediatric Surgery)

Prof. Nganje Therese with ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) 0000-0001-9022-2763, is a Professor of Geology with research interest in Environmental and Petroleum Geochemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences , University of Calabar, Calabar. Prof Nganje began her teaching career in 1997 as an assistant Lecturer at the Department of Geology, University of Calabar and was promoted to full professor in 2014. She obtained her Ph.D. in Applied Geochemistry, M.sc. (Hons) in Petrology and Geochemistry and B.Sc.(Hons) in Geology from the University of Calabar in 2003, 1997and 1993. She holds a certicificate in Medical Geology in 2012 from Galway, Republic of Ireland, Certificate in basic Petroleum Geochemistry training in 2006 from Nigeria as well as Certificate in Geochim/Unesco Postgraduate Training Course on Geochemical Exploration methods and their Environmental Applications and Certificate for reaching the depth of 1050m at the 21st level of the R-75 shaft in the Rozina Mining district, Czech Republic in 2002. Prof Nganje is a recipient of the Commonwealth Academic Fellowship (NGCF –2009- 154), tenable at the University of the West of Scotland, UK in 2009-2010(http://www.segh.net/home/), European Association of Organic Geochemist Travel Award(EAOG) in 2001 tenable at the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, University of Tubingen, Germany and Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society/Chevron research award (2012) on professional excellence in the geosciences for the “Best Published Doctorate/Post-Doctorate Research work in the field of Petroleum Geosciences with significant impact on the oil and gas industry in Nigeria.”. Prof Nganje. has served and still serving as assessor and external examiner to many universities for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the geosciences including Northwest University, South Africa, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nnamdi Azikwe University among others. She has served as member of the National Universities Commission (NUC) accreditation panels for accreditation of geosciences programmes in Nigerian universities . Therese is the first female Ph.D holder and Professor of Geology in the University and successfully completed a 2- year (2010 – 2012) tenure as Acting, Head of Department with landmark achievements including: The linkage between the department(Geology) and Schlumberger Oil Company which led to the employment of four of our products (Geology) and internship opportunity for twelve (12) students of the faculty(Science) in 2012 Completion of two (2) outstanding geologic maps with financial, equipment and technical support provided by ExxonMobil under University Partnering Programme. Linkage with Shell Development Company which provided functional workstations utilizing the Petrel Software of Schlumberger for our geology programme and this has enhanced the teaching of our Petroleum Geology. Receipt of full accrediction by the NUC. Approval of sessional results and mobilization of NYSC candidates ( no outstanding result was handed over to her successor). She had previously served the Department of Geology in various capacities such as Chairman Examination Committee and Postgraduate Coordinator among others. During her tenure as Examination Officer and Chairman Examination Committee (1998 – 2009) all departmental outstanding results were cleared and updated. Her research collaborations with the school of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of the West of Scotland, UK involving postgraduate students as well as with the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health are additional contributions to the development of the University of Calabar. Prof. Nganje has graduated several BSc, PGD, MSc and PhD candidates in Applied Geochemistry, Environmental Geoscience, Environmental lGeochemistry, Petroleum Geochemistry and Hydrogechmistry. Therese applies an “earth-systems” approach in her research with focus on natural and anthropogenic contaminants (inorganic and organic) in the environment and evaluating their impact on ecosystems and for human health. She is a strong believer in a collaborative approach to research with many of her completed research and those ongoing involve an interdisciplinary network/team. Her research outcomes has been presented in Conferences in France, America, Republic of Ireland, Kenya, Cameroon and Nigeria and has also participated in workshops and training in Czech Republic, Morocco, Kenya, Cameroon and Nigeria. The several publications (>30) she has made in reputable peer reviewed journals, conferences, training and workshops attended at both international and local levels attest to this claim. ) Her current research is on “Risk assessment of orphan mines in parts of Southeastern Nigeria” and “Source rock evaluation of hydrocarbon potential of Mamfe Basin, Southeastern Nigeria and Southwest region, Cameroon”. Therese is a member of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Organisation for Women in Science in less Developed Countries, African Association of Women in Geosciences, Common Wealth Alumni, Geological Society of America, Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society(NMGS), Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationist(NAPE) and registered with Council of Mining Engineers and Geoscientists (COMEG). .




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  • Represented individuals and their S-Corporation with respect to accounting malpractice and overbilling claims against a top 5 accounting firm.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company and its former officers and employees in civil actions alleging fraud and breach of contract.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented a government contractor in a theft of trade secrets action.
  • Represented individuals and their S-Corporation with respect to accounting malpractice and overbilling claims against a top 5 accounting firm.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company and its former officers and employees in civil actions alleging fraud and breach of contract.