About Mr. Moses Kayode Ojo

Mr. Moses Kayode Ojo

MBBS (Sydney), FRACS (Paediatric Surgery)

Mr Moses Kayode Ojo was born on August 19, 1985 (about 33 years ago) in Kaduna, Nigeria. He obtained his B.Ed.in Special Education from University of Jos, Nigeria in 2009 and M.Ed. Special Education from University of Jos, Nigeria in 2015. He is currently an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Special Education, University of Calabar. He has attended over fifteen (15) conferences and workshops locally and internationally such as China and South Africa on themes that has to do with issues of regular and special education. He has equally participated in so many academic discussions on issue of teacher training, child development, as well as special needs and disability. He has taught many courses including total communication, assessment of special needs child, introduction to special education, Audiology and aural rehabilitation, education of the gifted and talented children, speech and language disorders and as well as inclusive education. His teaching cut across both courses for postgraduate diplomas and undergraduate students in the faculty of education. He has over ten (10) publications in scholarly journals and his presentations at various conferences have provided him with a wide experience in action research, qualitative and quantitative studies which have contributed to my academic instinct. He has supervised undergraduate projects and he has served in various capacities within and outside the University including being a coordinator of the departmental time table, chairman departmental welfare committee, faculty assistant ICT coordinator, consultant to some hospitals and schools in Calabar where persons with special needs are cater for. His community services ranges from assessment of hearing, ear syringing, management of tinnitus, hearing aids servicing and handling referred cases of persons with disabilities for diagnoses from University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) and University of Jos Teaching Hospital (JUTH). He has demonstrated leadership prowess in many capacities including being the class captains in all classes as a students, and chairman and members of various committees within and outside the University community. Mr. Moses Ojo belongs to reputable professional, non-profit and non-governmental organizations including National Association for Exceptional Child (NAEC), Nigeria Association for Special Education Teachers (NASET), American Academy for cerebral palsy and developmental medcine (AACPDM) and Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN). He is very skilful in the use of Microsoft Word and enjoyed teaching and travelling. He is a good team player and always open to new knowledge. Mr Moses Ojo is happily married with a daughter. I therefore humbly refer you to my CV for comprehensive report of my scholarly commitment and achievement. .

Special Education

Lecturer II


Google Scholar

Reserach Gate

  • Represented individuals and their S-Corporation with respect to accounting malpractice and overbilling claims against a top 5 accounting firm.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company and its former officers and employees in civil actions alleging fraud and breach of contract.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented a government contractor in a theft of trade secrets action.
  • Represented individuals and their S-Corporation with respect to accounting malpractice and overbilling claims against a top 5 accounting firm.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company and its former officers and employees in civil actions alleging fraud and breach of contract.