About Prof. Innocent Izuchukwu Asouzu

Prof. Innocent Izuchukwu Asouzu

MBBS (Sydney), FRACS (Paediatric Surgery)

Innocent Izuchukwu Asouzu is a Nigerian Igbo Catholic Priest and Philosopher; born on October 13, 1952 at the commercial Enyimba City of Aba to the merchant family of Mazi Charles Ijeoma Asouzu and Ezinne Juliana Anaezi Asouzu of Aro-ndizuogu. After his philosophical studies in Nigeria in 1975, he travelled to Austria to continue with his postgraduate studies. He studied Theology to M.A. level at the Theological Faculty of the University of Innsbruck under the auspices of the Jesuits at Collegium Canisianum. During this time, he came in contact with the writings of Paul Tillich, whose method of correlation he admired, and the works of Wolfhart Pannenberg. His deep interest for social theory is already evident in his M.A. Thesis in Philosophy titled, „Verstehen gesellschaftlicher Handlungen durch Begründungsschritte“ (Rational Steps for the Understanding of Social Action). He did his doctorate studies in philosophy and sociology at the Geisteswissenschaftliche Fakultät (Faculty of Humanities) of the University of Innsbruck where he continued with his interest in social theory. His Ph.D. Dissertation was devoted to a critical disagreement with some of the basic ideas of Erlangen School of Philosophy. The dissertation bore the title “Gesellschaftliche Konflicktregelung Als Pragmatische Aufgabe. Eine kritische Betrachtung des Konstrutivismus” (Practical Regulation of Social Conflicts. A Critical Consideration of Constructivism). An extract from his dissertation was published by the Austrian philosophical academy upon request under the title -- “Eine Analyse und kritische Bewertung der Methode und des Prinzips der praktischen Argumentation Oswald Schwemmers”. in: Conceptus, Journal of Philosophy, 18(1984) No. 44, pp. 85-103. Asouzu has devoted his life towards working out a complementary social theory for the regulation of conflicts and this has crystalized into his Ibuanyidanda Philosophy or Complementary Reflection. The seminal ideas of his theory are already contained in his early writings that include 1) “Kritische Betrachtung des konstruktiven Wissenschaftstheorie. Erwägungen zu praktisch-philosophischen Konfliktsregelungsstrategien” (A Critical Consideration of the Constructive Philosophy of Science. Strategies towards practical Philosophical Regulation of Conflicts) Georg Olms Publishers in Hildesheim, Germany, 1984 2). “Gedanken über die religiöse Problematik der Gegenwart im Licht der Theologie der Religionen” (Reflections On the Contemporary Problems of Religion in the Light of Theology of Religions): In this work on religion, Asouzu sought to offer insight into how mutual harmony can be achieved in the co-existence of diverse religions of the world; a cause that has always agitated his mind for which he was invited on November 30, 1995, to give a public lecture held in Feldbach, Austria and organised by URANIA on "Meine Erfahrung im Zusammenleben mit Moslems" i.e. "My experience living with moselms". Radio Gloria Switzerland equally invited Asouzu in 2013 to deliver a scholarly lecture on ibuanyidanda philosophy towards promotion of mutual coexistence among peoples. Asouzu spoke on the theme: “IBUANYIDANDA UND DIE HERAUSFORDERUNGEN DER DOPPELWERTIGKEIT UNSERER LEBENSERFAHRUNGEN” i.e. “ibuanyidanda and the ambivalent challenges of Life” Prof. Asouzu was ordained Catholic priest in Austria in 1979. On returning to Nigeria in 1986 he worked briefly in his diocese, Aba, before taking a permanent teaching appointment at the University of Calabar in 1988. He has since then been teaching at this University and researching intensively into the theoretical preconditions of mutual coexistence between units within any given framework. This gave rise to his ibuanyidanda philosophy, in which he succeeded in articulating his idea into a system with its own principles and method of investigating reality. Since the application of Asouzu’s ibuanyidanda philosophy to African philosophy, African philosophy has noticed tremendous positive changes as it steers a systematic course. Variants of his complementary philosophy are trending among reputed African philosophers who draw inspiration from his ideas. His wide raging influence in African philosophy can be seen in Compatibility Theory, Integrative Humanism, Consolationism, variants of tree valued logic, Ezumezu Logic, Harmonious Monism, Conceptual Mandelisation, the Calabar School of Philosophy a.k.a. Conversational School of Philosophy etc. Besides, his ideas have influenced a new generation of young ambitious scholars who are bent on changing the major contours of African philosophy for good, as can be attested to by the number of critical essays and works written on Asouzu’s Ibuanyidanda Philosophy (Complementary Reflection) by professional national and international scholars alike. The same can be said of the numerous Ph.D. Dissertations, M.A. Theses and scientific projects that have been articulated on and around Asouzu’s Ibuanyidanda Philosophy. The idea of complementarity which Asouzu espouses is so important for African philosophy that Heinz Kimmerle designates it as: “the specific contribution of African philosophy to world philosophy” (“An Amazing Piece of Comparative Philosophy”. In: Confluence: Online Journal of World Philosophies], pp221-223, 2014. Vol 1) Fr. Prof. Asouzu has been consistent in developing his system as is shown in the collection of his essays: “Ikwa Ogwe”. Besides his numerous essays published in highly reputed national and international journals, that reflect the systematic application of his thinking to diverse areas of knowledge, Asouzu has tried to give a systematic account of his thinking in his major books but most especially in these works: 1) The Method and Principles of Complementary Reflection in and beyond African Philosophy. Lit Verlag, Münster, New Brunswick, London, 2005. 533 pages. 2) “Redefining Ethnicity Within ‘The Complementary System of Thought’ in African Philosophy”. In: Re-ethnicizing the Minds? Cultural Revival in Contemporary Thought. Edited by Thorsten Botz-Bornstein and Jürgen Hengelbrock. Amsterdam/New York, 2006. pp. 63-78. 3) Ibuanyidanda. New Complementary Ontology. Beyond World-Immanentism, Ethnocentric Reduction and Impositions. Litverlag, Münster, Zurich, New Brunswick, London, 2007. 440 pages. 4) Ibuarụ. The Heavy Burden of Philosophy beyond African Philosophy. Litverlag, Münster, Zurich, New Brunswick, London, 2007. 335. 5) Ikwa Ogwe. Essential Readings in Complementary Reflection. A systematic methodological Approach. Saesprint Publishers, Calabar, 2007. 439 pages. 6) -- Ibuanyidanda (Complementary Reflection) and Some Basic Philosophical Problems in Africa Today. Sense Experience, “ihe mkpuchi anya” and the Super-maxim. Litverlag, Münster, Zurich, Vienna, 2013, 120 pages. For many reputed scholars, Asouzu’s approach is a major breakthrough in what is known as African philosophy. He was honoured with an award by The Philosophical Association of Nigeria in recognition of his invaluable contributions to African philosophy. As a member of University of Calabar community, Fr. Prof. Asouzu has served meritoriously in various capacities as Departmental Examination Officer (1992 -1995), as Head of Department of Religious Studies And Philosophy (1996 -1998), as Member Departmental Appointment and Promotion Committee (1992 till date), as Coordinator Post Graduate Program in Philosophy (1989-1992, 1998-2001), as Member UNICAL Library Committee (1992-1994), as Member UNICAL Senate (1996-1998; 1999 till date), as Dean Faculty of Arts (2007-2009), as Member of Senate Committee to revise the guidelines for promotion of academic staff (2010). He was the priest in charge of St. Paul’s Parish, University of Calabar from 1987-1990. He is a member of many professional bodies including the Nigerian Philosophical Association; National Association of African Religion and Culture; Catholic Theological Association of Nigeria. As a Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Asouzu has served as pastor of souls in diverse capacities within an outside Nigeria. .




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  • Represented individuals and their S-Corporation with respect to accounting malpractice and overbilling claims against a top 5 accounting firm.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company and its former officers and employees in civil actions alleging fraud and breach of contract.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented a government contractor in a theft of trade secrets action.
  • Represented individuals and their S-Corporation with respect to accounting malpractice and overbilling claims against a top 5 accounting firm.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company and its former officers and employees in civil actions alleging fraud and breach of contract.