About Prof. Anthony Egrinya Eneji

Prof. Anthony Egrinya Eneji

MBBS (Sydney), FRACS (Paediatric Surgery)

Professor A. Egrinya Eneji received the B.Agric (First Class Hons) degree from the University of Uyo, emerging as the best graduating student of the University in the 1990 class. He began his academic career at the University of Calabar in 1991, proceeding in 1992 on a study fellowship to the University of Ibadan, where he earned a Master’s degree (1994) and Ph.D (1997) in Agronomy. His doctoral research won a competitive grant support from the International Foundation for Science in 1995. Prof Eneji received the Japanese government scholarship, using same to gain the Doctor of Agriculture degree from Tottori University, Japan (1999-2001). He was then awarded the very competitive Post-doctoral fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2001-2003) in Tottori University, growing on to became a Scientist at the Global Center of Excellence (Arid Land Research) (2003-2004). Prof Eneji was meritoriously appointed (Visiting) Full Professor in Tottori University in 2004 and held the post until he accepted the position of Distinguished Professor (Agronomy) in China Agricultural University, Beijing in 2006, becoming the first African to be so recognized. Prof. Eneji rejoined the University of Calabar as Professor of Agronomy in the Department of Soil Science in 2008. He has pioneered research on the use of silicon for drought and ultra-violet B radiation alleviation in plants and contributed significantly to the management of marginal lands and waste recycling. His current research aims to optimize the agronomic conditions for the cultivation of elephant grass for bioethanol production. He also has interest in the phyto-remediation of polluted soils and crop growth regulation based on hormonal inputs. Prof. Eneji has extensive external research collaboration on cotton agronomy, environmental restoration in arid lands and soil/water management. He has published about 200 papers, mostly in highly-regarded journals and his work is frequently cited world-wide in journals and books. His book, Agronomy of Tropical Crops is widely used by students of general Agriculture in the tropics and sub-tropics. Since 2000, he has been on the Editorial Board of the authoritative Journal of Plant Nutrition and frequently reviews for some of the leading international Agricultural and Environmental Journals. Prof Eneji was Chairman, National Universities Commission (NUC) Accreditation team (Agriculture Programmes) to Federal University of Technology, Minna and Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi (November-Dec, 2014) as well as Benson Idahosa University, Benin (March, 2013). He was also a member, NUC Accreditation team to Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port-Harcourt (March, 2013) and Babcock University (November, 2012). He has mentored several doctoral and post-doctoral fellows in Nigeria, Japan, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, North Africa and the Middle East, most of who have grown to become leading scientists involved in cutting-edge research, directors and eminent Professors. Prof. Eneji was a Taishan Scholar of Shandong People’s Government (China), Senior Associate Consultant (Farming Systems) to the National University of Lesotho and an adjunct Professor of Agronomy at the Cross River University of Technology. He was Senior Visiting Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and Visiting Professor at the Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2013, he was awarded the Senior International Fellowship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, becoming again the first African to be so recognized at that level. Prof Eneji is a member of the African Soil Science Society, Soil Science Society of Nigeria, the American Society of Agronomy, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was a Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Cross River State (2015-19). .

Soil Science



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  • Represented individuals and their S-Corporation with respect to accounting malpractice and overbilling claims against a top 5 accounting firm.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company and its former officers and employees in civil actions alleging fraud and breach of contract.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company in a civil forfeiture action resulting in the return of over $500,000 in funds seized by the government.
  • Represented a government contractor in a theft of trade secrets action.
  • Represented individuals and their S-Corporation with respect to accounting malpractice and overbilling claims against a top 5 accounting firm.
  • Represented an employment services and immigration company and its former officers and employees in civil actions alleging fraud and breach of contract.